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Study ref. Acts 16:31, Eph.2:8, Mat. 24:13, Mat:45-51, Mat 25:1-12, Mark 14:21, 1 John 4:20, John 17:12

Please keep in mind that the bible is written to the church, the people of God. Since we are prone to read the word of God as if God is confronting nonbelievers, but let a man examine himself to see if he’s in the faith.

As he or she proceeds towards the chancellor area of the church’s sanctuary, one foot in front the other. Drawing closer to that voice that’s pulling forth their heart’s condition as their body follows down the aisles from the deepest soul searching God orchestrated conviction. Which is the undeniable power of God’s word that compels men to act upon that answer to which the preacher spoke highly of {the name of Jesus that is}. The love of God uniquely apprehends our attention according to His prefect timing.



...... while standing at the altar the preacher tell you to repeat this prayer ........{the sinner’s prayer} “and you are now saved, welcome to the body of Christ!” But first you must sincerely believe in the birth, burial, and resurrection of Jesus and accepting Him as Lord over your life and savior of your sins during that time of prayer. Just uttering words means nothing to God, for which He knows that person’s heart. And this is a major problem in the church, that should be strongly emphasized since droves of people come forth but only a few actually join the church and grow in their walk in Christ. Which obviously shows that somewhere along the lines of our words aren’t lining up with our actions. We definitely want to reap the benefits, but without sowing commitment.



Let’s talk about salvation, accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior sincerely brings you to a place of salvation but with an added condition “if” you..... Acts 16:31 “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.… Ephesians 2:8 “For by grace you have been saved through faith” But then Matthew 24:13 says “But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” So does the word of God double talks, going against itself? No! Matthew made it clear you must endure until the end. And Matthew states in 24:45-51, speaking on the wise & wicked servant. Being prepared goes hand in hand with enduring to the end, so Matthew said if you’re not prepared, when the master comes, God sees you as a wicked servant. And there’s a place for you where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth {hell}. Then He goes on to say in 25:1-12, speaking on the ten virgins. “And this is like the kingdom of heaven” When the groom {Jesus} returned, the five that weren’t prepared were left knocking at the door of the ceremony {heaven} and saying Master, Master, open up for us! Since they knew Jesus as Master, which is an important point here. We can know God’s word, but a failure to obey it shows if we are truly followers of Him. We must hold it dear to our hearts the commands or requirements of God. And then God replied in verse 12- “Truly I tell you, I don’t know you!” Let’s strengthen this truth further, Judas was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Surely his reward is heaven right? Mark 14:21 “Woe to that man {Judas} who betrays the Son of man! It would be better for him if he had not been born. Betrayal is another word for being fake, disloyal, not fully committed and one with a hidden agenda, a self rewarding motivation. Is that how you conduct yourself? Operating wickedly towards others because that’s how we relate to God through how we treat others. 1 John 4:20 says If anyone says “I love God” but hates his brother is a liar.... and can’t love God." Here’s the answer to Judas eternal destination, Jesus is praying for His disciples John 17:12 the second part of verse 12 says .... “them and not one of them is lost, except the son of destruction, so that scripture may be fulfilled.” “Repentance plays an enormous part in our daily walk, and self-examination brings of a repentance. We must be genuine in every aspect of our lives, no matter the circumstances. Thank God for giving me this truth regarding salvation. We must keep in mind that the bible is written to the church, the people of God. I would like to close by saying that to be saved or rescued is a reward of God’s love taking place. Once this life ends for the believer and not when it begins in Christ.













09 August 2021

Aug. 9, 2021

You have a part to play in your own restoration.

 and in return I must respond appropriately.

God always initiates the first move

You have a part to play in your own restoration.